Top is oval, height is 4 m, wide is 3 m, rootstock is 50 cm, diameter is 18 cm.
Fruits are cylindrical with cone-shaped top, mass is 38-100 gr, height – 47-55 mm, diameter – 41-55 mm.
Firm fruit is orange and red-orange. Flesh is with seeds and with dark-brown spots, very sweet. Flesh of ripened fruit is dark-orange with some fibrous of light-orange color, jam consistency, juicy, very sweet. Skin is with thin layer of stone cells. There are 8 seeds. Seeds are long-oval, brown, in lower part of the fruit.
It begins to ripen in October. Transportability and storage is about a month.
Productivity is 75-90 kg/tree.
Vegetation period is 214-287 days.
Leaves are often damaged by fungi diseases.
Variety is early ripening one, dessert, suitable for drying and processing. It doesn't need pollinizers.