Director of Federal State Funded Institution of Science "The Labor Red Banner Order Nikita Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Corresponding Member of the RAS, Yuri Vladimirovich Plugatar, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.


Deputy Director for Science: Aleksandr Ivanovich Sotnik, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences


Deputy Director for Science: Oksana Mikhailovna Shevchuk, Doctor of Biological Sciences


Deputy Director for Scientific-organizational Activities: Паштецкий Андрей Владимирович, кандидат экономических наук


Scientific Secretary: Tatyana Sergeyevna Naumenko, PhD in Agriculture




Head of the Department – Aleksandr Konstantinovich Sharmagiy, Cand. Sc. Biology


Laboratory of Dendrology, Park science and Landscape architecture

Head of the laboratory – Vladimir Nikolaevich Gerasimchuk, Cand. Sc. Biology


Research areas: introduction studies of ornamental tree and shrub plants.

Study of the form diversity and decorative features of introduced species of tree and shrub plants.

Study of rhythms of development and adaptive features of tree and shrub plants during introduction on the Southern Coast of the Crimea.



Chief – Valentina Fyodorovna Lobanovskaya


Upper and Lower Parks Sector

Divisional manager – Pavel Pavlovich Tsymbal


Primorsky Park Sector

Divisional manager – Valentina Fyodorovna Lobanovskaya


Montedor Park and Collections of Succulents Sector

Divisional manager – Natalia Nikolaevna Sharmagiy


Laboratory of Floriculture

Head of the laboratory – Vera Konstantinovna Zykova, Cand. Sc. Biology


Research areas: development of theoretical principles and methods of breeding and introduction of flower and ornamental plants (Rosa L., Chrysanthemum x hortorum Bailey, Tulipa L., Hemerocallis x hybrida hort., Canna x hibrida hort., Iris hybrida hort., Clematis L., Syringa L.), development and testing of an effective system for integrated assessment of these flower and ornamental crops. Study of ecological and biological features of flower and ornamental plants.


Flower Crops Growing Sector

Divisional manager – Ekaterina Leonidovna Abramova


"Rosarium" Sector

Divisional manager – Irina Nikolaevna Kravchenko


Laboratory of Entomology and Phytopathology

Head of the laboratory – Dmitry Aleksandrovich Korzh


Research areas: development of theoretical foundations for ensuring sustainable development and epidemic safety of garden and fruit plantations by regulating the number of pests and the harmfulness of pathogens in perennial agrocenoses.


  1. Study of the regularities of formation and functioning of the complex of pests and pathogens of fruit and garden agrocenoses.
  2. Development of methods for control of fruit and garden agriculture.
  3. Creation of a system of phytosanitary monitoring in the fruit and park plantations of the Crimea.

Laboratory of Landscape Architecture and Ethnobotanical Research

Head of the laboratory – Elena Vladimirovna Golosova, Doctor of Sciences




Head of the Department – Alexander Rostislavovich Nikiforov, Cand. Sc. Biology.


Laboratory of Natural Ecosystems. "Cape Martyan" State Nature Reserve

Head of the laboratory – Alexander Rostislavovich Nikiforov, Cand. Sc. Biology.


Research areas:

Comprehensive research on the assessment of the current state and dynamics of bioresources of territories and water areas of natural and transformed landscapes to substantiate proposals for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity in the Crimea and neighboring territories. Identification of factors and patterns of population and community dynamics.

Compilation and addition of biota lists, preparation of materials for the program of the National cadaster of objects of flora and fauna of the region.

Study of rare species, the structure of their populations; justification for including representatives of biota in the regional and Federal Red books.

Development of scientific bases for monitoring, conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species and communities.

Development of recommendations for forming a representative network of protected areas.

Classification and mapping of vegetation cover.

Assessment of the degree of synantropization and adventisation of ecosystems, the study of alien species.


State environmental inspection of “Cape Martyan” State Nature Reserve

Chief inspector – Oleg Nikolayevich Reznikov


Forest Science Laboratory

Head of the laboratory – Vladimir Petrovich Koba, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor


Laboratory of Phytomonitoring

Head of the laboratory – Svetlana Pavlovna Korsakova, Doctor of Biological Sciences


Research areas: organization of continuous monitoring of weather and climate conditions and reaction features of various plant life processes using modern equipment.


Laboratory of Agroecology

Head of the laboratory – Maksim Leonidovich Novitsky, Cand. Sc. Biology


The main tasks are to develop methods for assessing soil and climatic conditions in order to determine the potential area of cultivation of ornamental woody and floral plants and optimal zones for placing fruit, subtropical, nut-bearing, medicinal and essential oil crops.

The main activities of the laboratory are:

  • Assessment of soil and climate resources of the territory for rational placement of perennial plantings of fruit and ornamental crops.
  • Development and implementation of technologies for reclamation of skeletal, sandy, saline, high-carbonate soils for gardens.
  • Development and implementation of technologies for recultivation of sulfide-containing dumps of mine rocks for their landscaping and agricultural use.
  • Study of the soils of the mountainous Crimea.
  • Study of the influence of soil properties on the content of macro- and microelements in the fruits of subtropical fruit, medicinal and essential oil crops.
  • Assessment of soil fertility of farms and personal plots for fruit crops, grapes and ornamental trees and shrubs.

Laboratory of Flora and Vegetation

Head of the laboratory – Vladislav Vyacheslavovich Korzhenevsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.




Head of the Department – Sergey Yurievich Khokhlov, Cand. Sc. Agriculture.


The main directions of scientific activity are:

  1. Introduction of cultivars and forms of fruit crops from various natural regions and study of the collection gene pool in order to identify sources and donors of economically valuable traits.
  2. Development of new cultivars of stone, seed, nut and subtropical fruit crops for intensive gardening.
  3. Improvement of existing and creation of new environmentally friendly technologies for growing high-quality fruits of seed and stone crops.
  4. Creation of new technological developments for growing high-quality planting material.
  5. Improvement of technologies of long storage of fruits.
  6. Development projects under the establishment of the modern high-intensity perennial plantings.


Laboratory of Southern Fruit and Nut Crops

Head of the laboratory – Vadim Valerievich Korzin


Sector of Fruit, Subtropical and Nut Crops Collections

Divisional manager – Valery Aleksandrovich Chelombit


Sector of Processing of Vegetative Raw Materials of Southern and Subtropical Fruit Crops

Divisional manager – Maria Nikolaevna Antipova


Laboratory of Breeding and Cultivar Research

Head of the laboratory – Raisa Danilovna Babina, Cand. Sc. Agriculture


Laboratory of Technology for Growing Fruit Crops

Head of the laboratory – Nina Aleksandrovna Babintseva, Cand. Sc. Agriculture


Laboratory of Nursery Management

Head of the laboratory – Valentina Viktorovna Tankevich, Cand. Sc. Agriculture


Laboratory of Steppe Orchard Management

Head of the laboratory – Lyubov Alekseyevna Lukicheva, Cand. Sc. Biology.




Head of the Department – Oksana Mikhailovna Shevchuk, Doctor of Biological Sciences


Laboratory of Aromatic Plants and Herbs

Head of the Laboratory – Tatiyana Mikhaylovna Sakhno, Cand. Sc. Biology.


The laboratory scientists conduct scientific research on the introduction and breeding of aromatic and medicinal plants, as well as the development of agrotechnical recommendations for their cultivation in the conditions of the Southern coast of the Crimea and South of Russia. The features of development, morphological parameters, the main economic indicators (yield, mass fraction of essential oil) and the component composition of essential oil of essential-oil-bearing and spicy-aromatic plants are studied; as well as the features of development, content and spectrum of biologically active substances in the plant raw materials of medicinal plants.


Sector of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants collections

Divisional manager – Andrey Pavlovich Divakov


Laboratory of Human Phytorehabilitation

Head of the Laboratory – Aleksander Mikhailovich Yarosh, Doctor of Medical Sciences


The laboratory does research in two main directions (the third one is in prospect):

  1. Aromatic therapy
    • Study of a plant (which grow and are cultivated in Russia, in the Crimea especially) ether oil influence on a human psychological - emotional state and its correction possibilities by the use of natural ether oils and their compositions.
    • The research takes place in Simferopol and Yalta social service centers, other Crimean institutions. The contract on a scientific cooperation with the S.A. Georgievsky Crimean Medical Academy has been concluded.
  2.  Phytotherapy
    • groundwork of tea recipes, bioactive additives, cosmetics and prophylactics from Russian plant raw material and especially from Crimean one.
    • searching for new promising plants which are the sources of ether oils and other bioactive substances, introduction and culture of these plants (in collaboration with Laboratory of Aromatic Plants and Herbs).
    • research and development of a normative technical documentation (NTD) for a raw material, teas, food and bioactive additives, cosmetics and prophylactics. The contract on a scientific cooperation with Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Volgograd Medical University and its Pyatigorsk branch has been concluded.
  3. Production (in prospect)
    • groundwork of the proposals for a small-serial plant production and a prophylactic one.
    • establishing of a small-serial production of plant foods.

Laboratory of Biochemistry, Physiology and Reproductive Biology of Plants

Head of the laboratory – Anfisa Evgenievna Paliy, Cand. Sc. Biology


Research areas:

In order to solve the problem of preserving and increasing biological diversity, including phyto-diversity, the following studies are carried out in the Laboratory of Reproductive Biology and Plant Physiology:

  1. study of the biology of development, reproduction and reproduction of rare and endangered species of flora of the Crimea and valuable introducers;
  2. identification of features and patterns of formation of reproduction and reproduction systems of rare and endangered species of flora of the Crimea and development of ways to optimize their natural renewal; repatriation of the obtained plants.
  3. development of techniques for optimizing and preserving the biodiversity of resource, rare and endangered species of the Crimean flora and valuable introduced plants.
  4. study of the features of physiological and morphometric parameters in southern fruit and ornamental introducers in connection with the need to disclose the protective mechanisms of low-temperature resistance and identify species, varieties and forms promising for the development of horticulture and green construction in the southern regions of the Russian Federation.
  5. Assessment of drought and frost resistance of the studied varieties and species, both at the level of the original parent plants and at the level of cell cultures; identification of the main mechanisms and markers of resistance to abiotic and biotic factors.

The Center for collective use “Physiological and biochemical studies of plant objects”

Head of the Center – Anfisa Evgenievna Paliy, Cand. Sc. Biology


Sector of Structural Botany and Reproductive Biology

Divisional manager – Svetlana Vasilevna Shevchenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences


Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems and Processes

Head of the laboratory – Valery Anatolievich Shishkin, Cand. Sc. Technical Sciences.




Head of the Department – Sergey Vladimirovich Dolgov, Doctor of Biological Sciences


Laboratory of Morphogenesis and Deposition of plants in vitro

Head of the laboratory – Natalia Vasilevna Korzina, Cand. Sc. Biology


Laboratory of Plant Genomics and Bioinformatics

Head of the laboratory –Valentina Anatolyevna Tsyupka, Cand. Sc. Biology


"Scientific Center of Biotechnology, Genomics and Plant Deposition" (UNI "PHYTOBIOGEN")

Head of the center – Pavel Alekseevich Khvatkov, Cand. Sc. Biology


Plant Bioengineering Laboratory

The head of the laboratory – Pavel Alekseevich Khvatkov, Cand. Sc. Biology


The main direction is the creation of breeding forms resistant to abiotic and biotic factors and obtaining the genetic diversity of garden crops using bioengineering methods.


Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology and Clone Plant Breeding

Head of the laboratory – Vladimir Aleksandrovich Goncharenko


Laboratory of Cell Biology and Anatomy

Head of the laboratory – Ilya Vladimirovich Bulavin, Cand. Sc. Biology




Chief Librarian – Lyudmila Vladimirovna Duganova


BRANCH “CRIMEAN GARDENING EXPERIMENTAL STATION” (Malen’koe village, Novy Sad village, Simferopol district)


Head of the branch – Aleksandr Ivanovich Sotnik, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.


Research areas:

  • study of the fruit and nut cultures’ collection funds;
  • creation of new fruit and berry species and study of the introductive home ones;
  •  improvement of the extant technologies and creation of new ecologic safe ones to grow high quality seed and stone cultures;
  • creation of the new technologies to grow a high quality planting material;
  • improvement of the long-term fruit storage technology;
  • project groundwork of a modern highly intensive perennial plantings.

Collection Management Sector

Divisional manager – Evgeny Vitalievich Denisov


(Sevastopol, Nakhimov district, Dal’nee village)


Head of the Branch – German Mikhailovich Romanov




Head of the Department – Vladimir Aleksandrovich Goncharenko


Laboratory of Nursery Management of Ornamental and Subtropical Plants

Head of the laboratory – Vladimir Aleksandrovich Goncharenko


Medvedevka village, Dzhankoi district)


Head of the Department – Dmitry Alekseevich Chelombit


Collection Management Sector

Divisional manager – Nikolay Aleksandrovich Kozlov