Universal, highly winter resistant, productive, drought-resistant variety. Tree is high, vigorous. Flowers are companuleflorae, small. The formation of generative buds is very abundant. Productivity is high and regular – 225 c/ha and larger. It ripens in the 2-3 decade of August in steppe zone of the Crimea. Market quality and transportability is very good. Fruits are attractive: large( 180-250gr.), round, yellow with dark-red blush on larger part of the surface. Pubescence is tender, velvet. Flesh is yellow,juicy, fibrous. Variety is free-stone. Flavor is very harmonic, sour-sweet. Biochemical content: dry substance – up to 15%, sugar – 11,5%, acid – 0,5%, vitamin C – 8-15 mg%, pectin – 1,5%, anthocuanin – 5, leucoanthocyanin – 253, katehin – 88 mg%. It is recommended for industrial and individual orchards.