
International scientific and practical conference
"Aromatic and medicinal plants: introduction, breeding, agricultural techniques, biologically active substances, human exposure to impact"
(Yalta, June 21–25, 2021)
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference "Aromatic and medicinal plants: introduction, breeding, agricultural techniques, biologically active substances, human exposure to impact", which will be held in the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens in June 21 - 25, 2021.
Conference fields of work
- Introduction, breeding, cultivation, seed production, preservation of the gene pool of aromatic and medicinal plants;
- Biologically active substances of aromatic and medicinal plants, isolation, study, standardization;
- Influence of biologically active substances of aromatic and medicinal plants on the psychological and physical state of a person, herbal medicine, and aromatherapy.
Form of participation – by personal attendance (oral report with publication, poster with publication, participation without any presentation), distant (publication only)
Working languages of the conference: Russian, English
At the end of the conference, a participant certificate is issued.
During the conference, we plan to organize the excursions to the Arboretum of the NBG-NSC, to the collection plots of the laboratory of aromatic and medicinal plants, as well as field trips to industrial facilities: lavender and rose fields of the Alushta essential oil farm-factory.
Acceptance of applications for participation with materials for publication – until April 1, 2021.
Acceptance of applications for participation without a report or publication – until June 1, 2021.
Registration fee – until April 15, 2021.
Participants’ registration – June 21, 2021.
Working days – June 22-23, 2021.
Excursions – June 24, 2021.
Participants’ departure – June 25, 2021.
Electronic versions of your materials, registration forms and a copy of the receipt (photo, screenshot, etc.) of the payment for the publication please send by e-mail to the address of the Organizing Committee lavanda_konf@mail.ru
Confirmation of participation registration without publication will be sent by e-mail within 5 business days (if you have not received confirmation, please contact the Organizing Committee).
In case of participation with the publication, materials in electronic form are sent to the same address. Within 10 days after receiving the materials, a review is conducted and a decision on participation is made. If the review is positive, an invitation will be sent to the author. Please pay for participation only after confirming the acceptance of the materials for publication!
Each registered participant can submit no more than two abstracts for publication in the Conference Proceedings.
The Conference Proceedings (RSCI) is planned to be published based on the conference materials. The materials containing the most important results will be published in the form of articles in the journals of the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens: “Bulletin of the SNBG” (State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, DOI) and “Plant Biology and Horticulture” (RSCI, DOI).
Materials must be typed in the MS Word for Windows text editor (*.doc or *.docx) up to 1 full page. Parameters: format – A4, orientation – portrait, size of all fields – 2 cm, font – Times New Roman 12 PT, paragraph indention – 1.25 cm, line spacing of the main text – 1 (single), text without hyphenation, width alignment, pages are not numbered. Materials should be presented logically and structurally contain the following sections (without highlighting): relevance, aim, objects and methods, results and discussion, conclusions. The text is followed by keywords (no more than 7). It is possible to place references to literature in the abstract (indicated in square brackets), but no more than three. The list itself is placed at the end of the article. It is also possible to place acknowledgments before the list of references. Acknowledgments and references are included in the volume of the main text. Only the electronic version of the abstracts is accepted.
Plenary reports are composed at the request of the organizing committee.
Breakout reports are timed about 10-15 min.
Poster (А1 – 594 х 841 mm) must contain: heading (report title, name of speaker, name of organization, city, and country) and the report about scientific work (topicality, the aim of the study, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions).
Example of abstract design:
Logvinenko L.A., Shevchuk O.M.
Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Science Center, Yalta
298648, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, town of Nikita
E-mail: mymail@mail.ru
Text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not comply with the set rules and the main thematic areas of the conference.
The registration fee includes the cost of publishing a collection of abstracts and is и составляет – 1000 rubles.
Please pay for participation only after confirmation of acceptance of the materials for publication, but no later than April 15, 2021 by money transfer to a bank account with the following details: OGRN 1159102130329 TIN 9103077883 KPP 910301001 Bank: Branch of the Republic of the Crimea, Simferopol BIC 043510001, Account number 40501810435102000001 Personal account: 20756B02160 in FTD of RC with the obligatory indication of the participant's last name and the phrase "for participation in the conference "Aromatic and medicinal plants". The scanned receipt and the filled in Contract (attached file) must be sent to the address of the Organizing Committee.
to participate in the international scientific and practical conference
"Aromatic and medicinal plants: introduction, breeding, agricultural techniques, biologically active substances, human exposure to impact"
(Yalta, June 21-25, 2021)
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Organization name (full and abbreviated)
Organization address
Science degree, Title
Phone Number
Authors (underline the speaker's last name)
Report’s Title
Scientific Direction
Form of the Participation (oral report, poster, distant participation)
Accompanying persons
If there are several co-authors, the registration form is filled in for the first (presenting) co-author
Participants pay for their accommodation, travel and meals on their own. It is recommended to purchase return tickets in advance.
Participants book their own accommodation via relevant websites. If you want to book a stay in Phytocenter and the Scientific Information Center (SIC) of the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens, please contact us: 8(3654) 250-519 е-mail: nbs.tur@yandex.ru Anna Karpova
For all questions related to participation in the conference, please contact the Organizing Committee:
Marko Nataliya Vladimirovna, concerning applications and publications: lavanda_konf@mail.ru
Suslova Anna Aleksandrovna, concerning registration fees: + 7 978 7051786; anyta-ua88@mail.ru
Karpova Anna Nikolaevna, concerning accommodation questions: (0654) 33-55-19; + 7 978 8910325; nbstur@yandex.ru
The Organizing Committee will be grateful for the distribution of this letter to whom it may concern.
First info letter (PDF)