Fennel Gianthisson variety PAMYATY KAPELEVA

Lophanthus anisatus Benth.


    Perennial polycarpic plant, 115 cm high, 55 cm in diameter.
    The beginning of vegetation is in the 3 decade of February – 1 decade of March. The beginning of blossom is in the 3 decade of June. Mass blossom is in the 1-2 decade of July. Length of blossom is 40-50 days. 175 days pass from the beginning of vegetation up to the seed ripening.
    The above-ground part of the plant collected in phase of blossom is used as raw material. After collecting the harvest in July it is possible to collect the second harvest in September. Productivity is 0,70 kg/sq.m. Mass part of essential oil is 0,41% from raw mass ( 1,48% from absolutely dry raw materials). The content of main component  metylxavicol is up to 60%.
    It grows on light, fertile, good aired , irrigated soils. It is possible to plant in on the same place for 5 years.